Thursday, June 16, 2016

Current Trends in Instructional Technology: Mobile Learning

M-learning is “the intersection of mobile computing and e-learning and includes anytime, anywhere resources; strong search capabilities; rich interaction; powerful support for effective learning” (Quinn, 2000, p.8)
Traxler’s (2010) three-part definition specifies that mobile learning is (a) learning delivered and supported by handheld, mobile computing devices; (b) comprised of formal and informal components; and (c) authentic and situated in context for the learner.


Mobile Learning has already had a huge impact on learning and education. Research can be done on a phone, or a tablet, or books and articles can be identified and accessed from anywhere. You no longer need to go to the library – you can do your research on the beach, on top of a mountain, or in a moving vehicle. In the Training world I remember when we had people turn their phones and devices OFF and store them in bags. Now we just ask people to keep them on vibrate and we frequently ask our participants to look things up during a session, take a photo, or send a tweet or post to our social media pages. I do wonder if there will come a time when we don’t ask people to turn the sounds off and they become part of the learning experience too! My favorite example of Mobile Learning is YouTube Videos. You can learn to repair anything, build anything, become an “expert” on just about anything on YouTube, and it can happen anywhere. My favorite examples of this are when my washing machine stopped working and I diagnosed and repaired it using a YouTube video. Or when my dishwasher was not working properly and I took the whole thing apart by watching a YouTube video. Another example would be replacing a hard drive in my Mac and adding more memory – all done while watching a YouTube video on my phone, in the space where I needed to be to learn and complete the tasks. We access maps to tell us where to go in our cars while driving. If we get hungry we can find out what restaurants are around us that are good and which ones are bad and will make us sick. Our culture is one of constant information streaming, coming at us and being sought out by us all at the same time. Learning no longer only occurs in the classroom – it is extended into all parts of our lives, 24-7. Educators can leverage this by embracing the mobile technology and asking students to use it to solve problems and answer questions. My last comment on M-Learning has to do with something that is near and dear to my heart. Accessibility. Here is a wonderful story about how in California, this year, they got iPads for students and installed Wi-Fi on school busses so that students can continue learning, and do their homework, on their way home. Wi-Fi enabled school busses leaves no child offline:


In this article there is a great definition of mobile learning “Mobile learning is the capability to seamlessly deliver a wide array of knowledge and performance improvement resources to users—anyplace, on any platform, on demand, and at the moment of need.” 

There is also really good discussion about mobile learning using multiple different mobile devices during interrupted times.

Rosenberg, Marc. (2015, May 12). Marc My Words: What Exactly is Mobile Learning? Retrieved from

Web URL:
The scholastic website has a great article on mobile learning that gives a LOT of examples of different types of mobile technology and how they can be applied in the classroom. It also talks about the changed demographic of our students and how education and classrooms have not kept up. 

Wylie, Jonathan. Mobile Learning Technology for 21st Century Classrooms

This interview with Traxler is full of good stuff. He talks about implementing mobile learning in schools when the resources are not there to support the programming. The solution to keeping mobile learning sustainable in a resource starved education system is using the technology that the students bring with them. However, this means loss of control of the devices –  and what can be done with those devices – because they belong to the students. Serious questions of regulations and ethics here! He also discusses the importance of digital literacy and critical thinking, identifying and distinguishing between the “good stuff” online and the lunatics and nonsense. Check it out here:  

John Traxler: The Future of Mobile Learning (2016)


Discover Campus Scavenger Hunt – New employees will be given a scavenger hunt list and divided into teams and set loose on campus with a time limit. To solve the scavenger hunt they can use any resources available to them on their mobile devices (I will suggest the school website, . When they find the answers to the scavenger hunt questions on campus they will need to take a picture using their phone/tablet cameras and save these. When the time is up they will email their photo answers to the instructor. The team with the rightest answers will win a prize but everyone who participates will learn about UNC Charlotte history, campus layout, building and amenities locations, and how to get around the campus in a limited amount of time! All teams will share when they are reunited as a class and teach each other new things about UNC Charlotte.


In order for me to keep up with Mobile Learning trends I think I need to keep an eye on Traxler (this was my first time learning about him) as well as continue to research what is being done in classrooms. I can push myself to utilize mobile learning in any lesson plans I create, engaging my students by letting them decide how and what type of mobile device they will use to complete assignments.

Using Voki was so much fun, it makes me want to pay to upgrade! Check out my link to my Voki with my personal definition of mobile learning:

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